We cooked a lot this weekend. Between all my recipe testing, mom's nourishing soups and C's barbecue experiment, we had enough food to feed an army.
"Do you want to come over for dinner Sunday night? Something very casual", I asked my friend K. It had been a few days since we had spoken and I really wanted to catch up. We can talk for hours. "I wouldn't miss it for a thing", she said.
We didn't have much time to make a dessert for Sunday's dinner so I started browsing through my recipe archives for a quick cake that I could serve with some cream and fruit. This chocolate and teff cake caught my mom's eye. "That one!", she said. A one bowl cake that is quick and super moist.
In our menu that night, we also had our version of niçoise salad with bonito from the Basque Country, potatoes, eggs, avocados and tomatoes, followed by chicken and chorizo paella.
And lots and lots of conversation. What I always look forward to.

Monday was a holiday and J. was home from school. He loves my mom's porrusalda or butternut squash and leek soup so he asked her to make it. Mine with a poached egg on top.
He also wanted his usual arroz con leche and I craved something light. Meyer lemon, almond and goat's milk custard, a variation of this recipe.

And so sometimes, nothing beats old favorites.
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→Revisiting Old Favorites
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